Join us for the 9th Annual 4 Star 4 Mile Race located at the Dean Savage Memorial Park (corner of Trumbull and Porter Street) in Corktown (Detroit, Michigan) on Sunday, November 10th, 2024 at 11:00 AM. Let's put our running shoes on the ground to honor those who have dedicated their lives to our freedom. While this is a heartfelt tribute to those who have served our country, this is a 4 Mile run/walk for everyone! 

Contact:  Race Director Doug Howell at

or:  Co-Director Courtney Faust at:


When I came home from the war in Vietnam, I soon realized that there was a growing disconnect between the military, military veterans, and the civilian communities from which they came. Particularly since the advent of our all-volunteer armed forces.

My goal for all these years has been to find a way to reconnect our communities and their veterans. Not by what these communities can do for us, but what we can do for them. This not only helps the reconnection; it also helps in the often-difficult transition from military life to civilian life.

As veterans, we have unique skills, unique perspectives, and unique desires. I believe our communities and our veterans can achieve greatness when we all work together. The 4Star4Mile Race is just one example of how we support each other.

Doug Howell

Director/Founder, 4Star4Mile Race

MIssion statement

The men and women who leave military service often leave behind a sense of community, purpose, and identity. The community they leave behind is their military community; the purpose they leave behind is what type of work their unit performed and the identity they leave is their specific role in their unit. It is difficult to replace those things as they transition into civilian life, so it is no wonder that veterans often feel marginalized.

The mission of the 4Star4Mile Race is to provide a platform for a shared experience between our communities and our veterans. For civilians, as they run alongside the annual Veterans Day parade, they see, and can feel, the immense pride and commitment of those who served and who continue to serve, and for the veterans they see that our communities recognize our proud history and applaud our commitment, helping to provide a true sense of community and purpose that veterans long for and deserve.

It is the hope of the 4Star4Mile Race that this provides for a mutually beneficial, supportive experience.

4Star4Mile Race